July 2018
GCW emerged as winners of the annual retail property charity event, the Elifar Challenge, just weeks before taking on a whole-firm charity day building a community allotment in West London.
A team of seven surveyors from GCW won the Elifar Challenge for the third time in four years playing against 24 industry teams in a combination of mental and physical challenges. The event raised £65,000 for Elifar and will be used to buy essential equipment for disabled young people.
In July, a large group of 23 GCW staff spent the day working with charity HandsOn London to transform a small area of waste ground into an allotment for the residents of The Lytton Estate.
GCW’s team worked all day to clear the ground, build raised beds, fill the beds with mulch and compost and restore allotment paths. Others stripped and repainted old benches for the garden and repainted playground and garden railings.
“I cannot thank you all enough for what you have done for our community. We have started to run a gardening group and they will be amazed to see this. The raised beds will enable the less mobile to get involved and a youth group will now also run” said Tom from the Lytton Estate Residents Committee.