
Retail investors value independent advice

Kames purchased the substantial retail block in the town centre using in-depth recommendations from GCW who recognised Stevenage as a growth location and identified the medium-term positive changes to the town.

The key factors include access to London particularly Kings Cross which is increasingly home to corporate HQs, a substantial town centre residential building programme and an increasing young 20-35 high-spending demographic. There are also positive benefits from the local authority’s
Retail investors value independent advice understanding of the need to invest in their town centre, releasing land for development and adopting a modern flexible approach to planning.

GCW provides purchase advice to a variety of clients on an ad hoc basis and has now developed a co-ordinated approach led by three directors, Simon Morris, David Gooch and Fiona Nichols who have a breadth of experience.

“There is clear demand for independent advice when a landlord client purchases a property. Importantly, the demand is for confidential advice from experts who are not involved in agreeing the deal” says GCW director Simon Morris.

Recent purchase support work includes advice to CBRE Global Investors in East Sheen on a mixed-use development opportunity and work with William Pears Group on a parade in Hounslow let to Superdrug, Greggs, Nationwide and others. GCW provided advice to the developer on the potential to grow rents quickly in an undervalued London suburb.