September 2018
The nursery has 4,900 sq ft of internal space over two floors and boasts a large outdoor play area with a sunken sandpit as well as a spacious and secure first-floor terrace with views of Cliveden Estate.
The nursery is located at Cliveden View Shopping Centre which has also undergone a major facelift to its elevations and car park as part of the wider works. The centre houses a 6,175 sq ft Co-op store, as well as local restaurants and retailers. It is situated just over a mile from Maidenhead town centre.
GCW initially sold the investment of the small retail parade to Sorbon and advised on the potential income stream from developing a nursery. It has now acted as letting agent for the nursery.
This is the third new-build nursery that Sorbon Estates has developed and then retained in its portfolio including buildings in Battersea, Windsor and Maidenhead.