January 2025
The Law Commission has started a consultation on the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 to consider options for reform.
This is a once in a generation opportunity to comment and influence on how the Landlord & Tenant Act will work in the future.
The first consultation paper, which deals with Security of Tenure and Contracting Out, is currently open for comments via a questionnaire. Please note this is only open until 19th February 2025 (please see link below).
A second consultation will be published later in the year which will focus on other aspects of the legislation, including taking the renewal process away from court and focusing on Alternative Dispute Resolution, such as PACT or Mediation.
There are mixed opinions on the 54 Act across to market, and this is no different within the GCW office where we have taken an internal survey to gauge opinions across the different teams.
There was no agreement as to whether the Act should remain or be repealed, although if the Act is to remain there was general consensus that reform is urgently required, with a reduction in the time and cost of the renewal process being the most frequent responses.
Following the consultation, we anticipate that the Act is unlikely to be repealed as there is little political advantage from removing Security of Tenure from tenants.
In its current form, as an ageing piece of legislation, it does not a provide a timely and cost-effective solution to a dispute.
This is why GCW feel the most likely solution is to improve the existing legislation to make the renewal process quicker, cheaper and easier to understand, and why we feel providing comment on the consultation is so important to the industry.
We feel that this would most likely be achieved by moving the process further away from the court system, which in its current state can favour the party with deepest pockets and greatest patience, whether landlord or tenant.
Whilst reform of the L&T Act is in the spotlight, for all those who agree reform is required, we recommended responding to the first questionnaire before 19th February.
Please see link below:
GCW advise landlords and tenants on professional matters across a broad array of retail and leisure assets. To learn more or discuss how we can help you please contact Michael Hardy or John Eden.