
MK Retail Development gets Council Support

January 2016

The scheme will provide 121,180 sq ft of retail and restaurant units, including 5 double height MSUs and a range of smaller units.

Lloyds Court covers a prominent 2.5-acre site at the junction of Secklow Gate and Silbury Boulevard, next to thecentre:mk and intu Milton Keynes. Palatium proposes to rebuild Lloyds Court behind the existing façade, which will be restored and improved through new glazing, lighting and paving. It is anticipated that he works will be complete by Spring 2017.  

The redevelopment envisages filling in the existing courtyards and slightly raising the roofline to provide 5 MSUs facing Secklow Gate of between 9,000 and 12,750 sq ft plus mezzanines. The Silbury Boulevard frontage includes Lloyds Bank and a range of new ground floor units of up to 5,000 sq ft. The first floor on this side is designated as A3 and A4. The North Tenth Street façade has been designed with local needs and independent retailers in mind. 

 Lloyds Court was built in 1975 as a mixed retail and office building and as the first commercial building to be constructed in Central Milton Keynes is a designated heritage asset. The new scheme has been designed by Colman Architects and will be BREEAM Excellent including new energy efficient glazing and a green roof.  

Green & Partners and GCW have been appointed as retail agents.