October 2024
The shopping centre investment market today is missing the Core Plus money to ‘plug the gap’.
Currently, the market is made up of either core buyers with return hurdles of 7-8%, or buyers in the bracket of value add/opportunistic, often seeking returns of 20% plus.
What the market is missing is the Core plus money. This is the middle ground with return targets of between 10-15%, which were prevalent post the GFC until Covid but have rarely emerged since.
Filling this gap in the market would unlock turnover and transaction volume, particularly for larger centres. There are numerous owners of shopping centres, who would like to sell, but ideally, want to be attracting a lower cost of capital.
Today there is often a mismatch between seller and buyer expectations. If an asset doesn’t attract interest from a select number of core buyers, you’re selling to investors who want to be acquiring at 10%, 11%, 12% initial yields which sellers are reluctant to do unless absolutely necessary.
There is a compelling opportunity for Core Plus investors to come back into the sector and invest at yields between 8-10%. Sellers would then be persuaded to bring assets to market if those buyers were there.
With increasingly resilient occupational markets, many shopping centres are displaying core plus return characteristics again with an attractive blend of secure income and opportunity to add value, but they just miss that core buyer requirement.
Now is the time for Core Plus players to re-emerge. If that gap is filled, we will see a market uptick in deal turnover and volume with opportunity for both buyers and sellers.