The Law Commission has started a consultation on the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 to consider options for reform.
In this three-minute summary of the retail investment market, agents Mrs. Positive and Mr. Negative present contrasting views.
Going to the lowest depths can mean many things, but for the retail sector, it is a positive, as the consensus is the market has now bottomed out and has done since the summer of 2023, if not before.
If you are the landlord or tenant of a commercial property, can you think of a worse method than taking over two years and possibly costs of over £100,000 to determine the outcome of a lease renewal by someone with no professional property experience?
The global Acai and healthy fast-food brand is bringing the power of the super berry to the UK public through rapid expansion propelled by F&B collaborations, and alliances with top sporting events.
Covid pandemic lockdowns and restrictions that started from March 2020, had a crippling effect on the hospitality sector, with pubs and restaurants shut, and hotels emptied, as a ban on travel saw occupancy rates plummet.
Chris Harris, the ex-John Lewis, Arcadia and Blockbuster, property director is set to shake-up the shopping centre asset management world with his new company Vedra, while commenting on the state of today’s market and his old firms.
The shopping centre investment market today is missing the Core Plus money to ‘plug the gap’.
In 1989, as the Berlin Wall was ripped down signalling the end of the Cold War and beginning of a new era for Europe, three young surveyors left the big corporate companies, to set up their own firm, GCW, as an out-of-house property director service for retailers.
An emerging new trend is starting to surface in the UK when it comes to brands wanting large retail units – they simply buy shopping centres and become their own landlords.
In recent times, we’ve seen a rapid evolution of our town centres and malls, as they morph into more than pure retail and leisure destinations.
The evolution of Red Lion Yard, within the Lion Walk Shopping Centre stands as a testament to the adaptive nature of City Centre retail.
GCW has strengthened its investment team with the appointment of James Waldock as director. After 20 years with JLL, Waldock joins at a positive time for the retail sector and the future expansion of the company, as he reveals more about his new role and thoughts on the current and future investment market.
A tiny bell constantly pings during the Zoom conversation with Leslie Tang. Sitting in the back room of the recently opened Pureseoul Oxford store, Leslie is taking time out to talk about the fledging K-Beauty chain he co-founded, but a slight nod of his head still registers each chime announcing another new customer walking through the shop door.
In this three-minute summary of the retail investment market, agents Mrs. Positive and Mr. Negative present contrasting views. Despite Mr. Negative's prior forecasts proving prescient, there remains hope that Mrs. Positive's outlook will guide us through the impending months.
We are delighted to share an exciting development for all beauty enthusiasts!
As the year comes to a close, GCW Managing Partner Simon Morris, shares his reflections on the resilience and growth seen within the occupier sector over the past 12 months and takes a look ahead at expected marketplace trends for 2024.
Everchanging government legislation and goalpost moving to hit net zero targets by 2050, has resulted is a minefield for commercial property, with landlords and tenants setting strict ESG mandates.
Australian-based boxing brand UBX have now opened in Sheffield.
Over the next decade £500m of investment are planned to be pumped into Edmonton Green that will see dramatic transformation with 1,468 homes, 172,000 sq ft of new landscaped public space and new retail and leisure.
Following GCW’s work to reposition SOL Shopping Centre as a family leisure destination, Chi restaurant, that offers a mix of Asian cuisines, has provided a much-needed F&B element and created excitement and interest around the ground floor entrance.
Independent operator, Centre VR has taken 8,000 sq ft in the Palace Shopping Centre, Enfield.
The partners are delighted to announce the following well-deserved promotions:
Cambridge/Richmond - Popeyes Louisiana Chicken is now open and trading from new sites at 27f The Quadrant, Richmond, and 3-4 Market Hill, Cambridge. GCW advised the landlords on both transactions.
The Apollo Arms, the latest addition to The Lunar Pub Company, opened its doors at 13–19 Clapham Old Town this summer. GCW let the space on behalf of the landlord.
Octavia Wyatt, has joined GCW on a two year graduate placement, as part of the firms commitment to bringing through, and nurturing new talent.
After being sidetracked because of Covid restrictions, GCW have fired up their internship programme.
In an ever-evolving world where retail has faced many challenges, shopping continues to play a key role amongst other town centre uses vying for consumer attention. GCW’s managing partners, Duncan Kite, and Simon Morris share their thoughts on a bright future at GCW.
In a battle of quirky contests, the GCW team emerged triumphant at this year’s annual Elifar Challenge.
In July, 110 post A-Level students gathered at Henley Business School at Reading University. In front of 40 industry peers, each took it in turn to present their case supporting or objecting to a development proposal, as part of the Pathways to Property summer school.
Chiswick - A unique island site, housing musician Ed Sheeran’s management company as a tenant, was sold in June for GCW client Catella APAM, achieving a 7% yield at £11.9m.
A prominet out-of-town retail site in Wednesbury, located just six miles north of Birmingham city centre, at Jn9 of the M6. The asset was bought by Wesleyan Assurance in a significant investment deal for a purchase price of £10.3m in August reflecting 6.8%.
The Marlands Shopping Centre was sold by GCW for £9.3m in a deal achieved ahead of valuation in July, after a successful marketing campaign for the sought-after 3.54-acre site.
Gymfinity, the gymnastic club for kids, made a statement in Walton-on-Thames by taking the 16,000 sq ft former Debenhams, creating a new anchor at The Heart shopping centre.
After announcing a 5% sales growth for the first half of 2023 and generating sales of over £1.5bn in 2022, Dunelm are actively looking at other sites in locations across the UK. While the company remains focused on out-of-town Simon Morris, of GCW, said “they continue to explore intown opportunities where out of town options aren’t present in target locations.”
“Rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated,” author Mark Twain famously quipped in the 1900’s. Today the same applies to the intown leisure scene, which has morphed into a kaleidoscope of offers essential to keep it alive.
Korean beauty brand, PURESEOUL has taken its successful online business into bricks & mortar with the opening of its first physical store in London’s Soho, on Charing Cross Road.
A new £12.4m community hub is set to open in an old Argos building in King’s Lynn after the council stepped in to buy the disused block, in a move that will boost the town’s community services.
GCW has completed a 150-year extension to the headlease for Lion Walk Shopping Centre, Colchester, on behalf of the landlord CBRE Investment Management (CBRE IM).
Plans for the facelift of Windsor, Royal residence of newly crowned King Charles III, received a boost after AEW UK Investment Management bought a second prominent retail and leisure site in the town.
In 2023, with a 30-year career at Leslie Jones, I am captivated by the challenges confronting the UK’s high streets and shopping places due to ongoing systemic changes in the retail industry.
Global Acai and healthy fast-food brand, OAKBERRY, has opened its first UK sites this summer in London’s Rathbone Place and Portobello Road, with further locations to follow before Christmas. With 550 outlets across 37 countries, Oakberry have ambitious expansion plans for the UK and this process is well underway.
GCW has acted for St Modwen on the sale of Wythenshawe Town Centre. The asset was sold to Manchester City Council for £11.85 million. The local authority has acquired the successful community centre to consolidate its land ownership and support its long-term regeneration plans.
GCW has advised RO Real Estate on the disposal of two high street assets. The successful sales in Bury St Edmunds and Northampton build on a longstanding support to drive value across the investor’s evolving property portfolio.
Capital & Regional is on site delivering a major redevelopment of The Mall in Walthamstow. GCW is helping its client reposition the 260,000 sq ft shopping centre as a sustainable mixed use destination.
Jewellery brand Astrid & Miyu has opened a new store at the Hanningtons Estate in Brighton, on North Street. GCW has helped Redevco secure the lease which is the latest in a string of lettings in one of the city’s most sought after pitches.
Emma Falzon has been appointed as GCW’s Senior Marketing Manager. The new role will help steer marketing strategy and support the business on its next stage of growth.
Investment agents Mrs Positive and Mr Negative summarise the retail investment market in 3 minutes.
GCW acted for a private landlord to agree a new 10-year lease with contemporary jeweller Astrid & Miyu. The retailer has undertaken a major expansion drive and is paying £45,000 pa for a unit at 17 Market Place in Kingston upon Thames.
GCW has advised on the sale of 38-40 Eastcastle Street. The two retail units have sold to an international private investor for £4.4 million with an NIY of 5.65%.
GCW has advised CBRE IM on the £4.02 million sale of its East Sheen asset 270- 282 Upper Richmond Road.
Will Mabbett outlines the resilience of Central London retail.
With Christmas sales from stores defying expectations and positive results continuing during the first quarter of 2023, are we witnessing a revival for the high street? GCW’s Simon Morris explores the resilience of bricks and mortar stores.
In a drive to balance the needs of People, Profit and Planet, GCW is working with consultancy Wylde Connections. Wylde Managing Director Denise Taylor outlines how embedding robust sustainability strategies will not only help business in the property sector hit Net Zero but ensure we embrace the right models, policies and practices to future proof our urban centres.
Berkeley Group company St James has appointment GCW to advise on its West London development, White City Living. The team will be the sole leasing agent for the retail and leisure components of the luxury mixed use project, which sits at the heart of the 110-hectare White City regeneration project.
CBRE Investment Management (“CBRE IM”) advised by GCW, has secured a series of new lettings at The Ashley Centre in Epsom. The 320,000 sq ft centre is capitalising on strong occupier interest as the commuter town captures higher levels of local spend.
The nursery investment market continues to attract significant interest, boosted by the Chancellor’s recent announcement on free childcare entitlements.
GCW has advised client Aviva on a flurry of lettings at The Centre in Feltham. The team has secured several deals to reduce vacancy rates and bring in new names not previously represented in the town.
Supermarket sector shows strong fundamentals.
GCW has advised Oxford City Council on the future of one of the city’s key heritage sites. The consultancy has informed a new masterplan for the Grade II-listed covered market to deliver almost £7 million of improvements.
Property consultancy GCW has been appointed by global boxing brand UBX to help secure new sites across the UK as part of a £40 million expansion to open 250 clubs over the next six to eight years.
Knowledge aside, time is our most valuable resource and we were lucky enough in early December to use it helping the fantastic charity that is the
“If you fail to plan you are planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin
GCW has welcomed its first summer intern in a move to make a career in real estate available to a wider range of people. Iranian student Ata Samadzadeh is spending 6 weeks getting a taste of life as a commercial property agent.<br/>
GCW has announced a trio of appointments as it continues to strengthen its team. The agency has welcomed a number of new recruits in recent months and the latest arrivals will play a key role in helping GCW meet growing client demand for its town centre expertise.
GCW has sold a flagship retail asset in Cambridge’s 30-31 Petty Cury for £4.8 million reflecting an NIY of 6.31%, one of the keenest yields achieved in high street investment this year.
In a highly competitive marketplace where available space frequently exceeds occupier requirements, GCW is employing a more forensic data driven approach to securing tenants, informing occupier decisions and identifying key markets that investors should be exploring.
GCW’s band of brave warriors have battled it out in this year’s Elifar Challenge. A team of 6 and non-playing captain went head-to-head with 15 other teams of property professionals to raise money for children’s charity, the Elifar Foundation.
GCW has advised on a series of new lettings in Windsor. From restaurants to sweet shops, the team has demonstrated it is the agent of choice for landlords wanting to exploit demand for one of the country’s most buoyant towns.
GCW has helped client CBRE Investment Management secure a flurry of new deals at its Lion Walk Shopping Centre in Colchester. Independent operator Black Sheep Coffee has taken a 15-year lease on a newly created unit close to Primark and JD Sports. US sports merchandise retailer Lids has signed a 5-year lease, whilst phone repair and accessories operator Imobile has also committed to 5 years on space next to The Perfume Shop and EE. On the F&B front, GCW is on the verge of securing a new premium grab-and-go operator to the scheme.
GCW has acted for Blackrock Real Estate on the sale of a key Kingston asset. 61 - 67 Clarence Street sits in the heart of the town’s prime retail pitch and has sold for £5.675m, with an NIY of 6.7%.
GCW’s Investor Team has again demonstrated its expertise with the disposal of 46 & 48 Clumber Street in Nottingham city centre. The timely exit was secured for client Capreon as part of a full-service offer which involved letting the space before executing its sale to a private investor.
GCW is helping give former department store buildings a new lease of life.
A growing number of clients are seeking GCW’s purchase support services. The agent’s town centre expertise is proving invaluable when appraising assets and determining how best to drive value from their acquisitions. Recent work on shopping centres in Leeds and Oxford underlines the value of GCW’s in-depth market knowledge.
GCW Surveyor, George Cook
GCW has acted on behalf of A.S. Watson Group to acquire a new Savers store in Haywards Heath as part of a UK expansion drive. This marks the first deal GCW has opened since being appointed to help the world’s largest international health and beauty retailer build its Savers and Superdrug store portfolio.
GCW has been instructed by Vastint to advise on its mixed use regeneration project Sugar House Island. The 20-acre East London site will eventually deliver 1,200 homes, 624,000 sq ft of offices,<br/>creative space, retail, leisure and a 350- bed hotel.
At a time when cinema brands are struggling to maintain a viable business, The Light has recently opened its next generation venue in Banbury. The operator always pushes the boundaries to adapt to changing demands and Co-Founder Keith Pullinger is busy seeking new opportunities to put cinema and leisure at the heart of urban regeneration.
How the pandemic has driven change in the lease advisory world
Acting on behalf of the owners of Wembley Central, GCW has let the former Brighthouse unit to Swift Convenience Store. The opening of the brand’s first London store followed a successful trial in Newcastle and the concept is now being rolled out across the capital with stores in Hounslow and Archway also open for business.
Following the recent completion of the purchase of 790,000 sq ft The Liberty Shopping Centre in Romford, RivingtonHark have confirmed the appointment of new leasing and professional advisors; Time Retail Partners and GCW.
GCW has moved to 50 Great Marlborough Street in the heart of Soho. The new office provides more flexible working space and an attractive environment as the business continues on its impressive growth trajectory.
At GCW, our investor team has enjoyed a busy first quarter. The market is showing encouraging signs of recovery, buoyed by increased appetite for prime town centre assets.
The Light will open a new cinema, bowling and entertainment venue for Easter 2023 as the main tenant within the council’s new landmark development in Redhill town centre, now called The Rise.
GCW’s investor team has transacted 40 – 46 Broad Street Reading for £4.6 million, reflecting an NIY of 8%. The off-market purchase from abrdn gives the new owner an opportunity to repurpose an extensive town centre site.
TK Maxx has agreed a 15-year lease on a new anchor store at Bishop’s Stortford shopping centre Jackson Square. GCW has helped centre owner Legal & General secure a deal which will see the designer discounter occupy 21,000 sq ft of repurposed space.
GCW has secured further lettings at Berkeley Capital’s Goodman’s Fields in Aldgate. Boom Battle Bar has taken 8,000 sq ft on a 15-year lease and will open in March within a unit close to the four-screen Curzon cinema. The deal follows recent lettings at the seven-acre mixed use development to Amazon Go, Dan Dan Noodles, and Kova Patisserie.
F&B is key beneficiary of post-lockdown demand. After a tough two years dealing with the fallout of the pandemic, the great British public is desperate to eat-out, drink and socialise. At the same time, positive changes to the planning use class system are making it far easier for landlords to exploit demand and occupiers to acquire prime premises.
GCW has helped secure a number of new lettings in Richmond-Upon-Thames as the retail and leisure markets in London suburbs, villages and commuter towns continue to perform strongly.
GCW has secured two new stores for retailer Vinegar Hill. The independent business which sells a range of homeware, gifts, clothing, jewellery, and accessories from around the world, is expanding its reach in response to strong consumer demand. The latest phase has seen the business open new shops in Bishop’s Stortford and Witney.
David Lewis, Executive Director at RivingtonHark, explains how the three Rs of reinvention, repurposing and rejuvenation hold the key to the future of town centres. We learn how the company’s unique skills set is adding value for public and private sector clients.
The rise in the cost of living is affecting all of us. We may not see the same short sharp shock to the system as the start of the pandemic, but the impact on consumer spending may cut deeper and last longer.
GCW has helped self-storage operator StoreAway seal its latest deal in Liverpool city centre. Its latest acquisition will transform the upper parts of the former Next unit on Church Street, demonstrating how this growing use class can offer redundant town centre assets a new lease of life.
O&H Properties has appointed GCW to help drive its leasing strategy at its Walton-on-Thames shopping centre, The Heart. The successful retail and leisure centre serves an affluent catchment and the team are tasked with improving the tenant mix through strategic repositioning.
GCW is helping AEW secure a series of new lettings following its client’s 2021 acquisition of Windsor Yards. Within 12 months of being reappointed on the 260,000 sq ft scheme, GCW has secured 6 new lettings totalling more than 30,000 sq ft of vacant space and improved net operating income by almost £900,000. The team has also agreed 5 lease renewals to the likes of Robert Gatward, Pret A Manger, and Swarovski.
Town centre regeneration specialist RivingtonHark has appointed GCW as preferred supplier of leasing, lease advisory and development consultancy for two key Enfield assets. The team will help the landlord reposition the North London suburb’s two shopping centres Palace Exchange and Palace Gardens and adapt their offer to meet the needs of the local catchment.
Property consultant GCW has announced four new appointments as part of its ambitious growth strategy. Bringing on board new talent will help the team build on its town centre expertise and respond to the needs of a growing client base.
The owners of Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre in Kent have completed the refurbishment of the scheme’s East Mall entrance and signed a deal with JD Gyms.
GCW has helped KFC make four key acquisitions as it continues with its UK expansion drive. Amidst fierce competition for sites, the team has successfully secured units in Reading, Leatherhead, Acton and Chatham, all of which will be open in time for Christmas.
GCW acted for Lidl on the acquisition of a 20,000 sq ft store on Green Street, Upton Park. The off-market deal secured the former Peacocks store, allowing the German-owned retailer to continue extending its London store portfolio.
A.S. Watson Group, the owner of brands including Savers and Superdrug, has appointed GCW as retained agent for the South of England. The world’s largest international health and beauty retailer has ambitious plans for its UK store portfolio. GCW will focus on identifying acquisition opportunities for Savers and Superdrug stores as part of an ongoing expansion drive.
GCW has helped client London & Associated Properties secure a 5,500 sq ft food hall at Sheffield shopping centre Orchard Square. The move marks the latest stage in an ambitious asset management programme to broaden the centre’s appeal and drive value through a greater mix of uses.
After another record year of sales, The Cornish Bakery is investing in a major expansion programme. This summer saw the opening of stores in Dorchester, Lymington and Chichester. A store in Rye is also due to open soon as GCW helps the high-end bakery and coffee shop enter new territory by introducing its offer to Britain’s market towns.
GCW has been appointed by self-storage operator StoreAway to expand its UK portfolio. The brand intends to have 10 sites committed or open by the end of 2022, making use of redundant retail and office space in key regional centres.
Suburban surge – Remote working boosts retail and leisure demand across London suburbs and commuter towns.
The GCW team has raised more than £13,000 for children’s charity The Elifar Foundation through its annual charity challenge. A crack team of 15 paddlers ventured 23 miles down the Thames in Canadian canoes. With the help of a dedicated support crew, the hardy group ended the day triumphant and exceeded its target by completing the endeavour in an impressive 8 and a half hours.
A new-look East Mall entrance will create space for an exciting mix of new occupiers at Kent’s Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre. GCW is helping owner British Airways Pension Fund use the investment to secure lettings to a range of retail, leisure, and community tenants in the heart of Hempstead Valley.
GCW has advised CBRE GI on the letting and sale of a prime retail asset in Bath. Kingdom of Sweets has agreed a 10-year lease on 12 Stall Street, Bath, fuelling interest from a range of bidders. The asset was disposed of for £1.75m reflecting a yield of 7%.
Berkeley Capital has appointed GCW as joint letting agent for the retail and leisure element of its mixed use development, 250 City Road. The Foster + Partners-designed development will transform the city skyscape with a 36-storey tower surrounded by 1.9 acres of Wi-fi enabled green space.
Arbitration offers a fresh approach to lease renewals.
Farmfoods has opened its second Southend on Sea store on Eastern Avenue. Client Remet Properties gave GCW a remit to let the 15,000 sq ft former Aldi supermarket and the deal has secured a long lease to a strong covenant.
Wasabi has retained GCW as property advisor as the Japanese restaurant chain seeks to maximise its UK outlets and explore opportunities for expansion.
Animor founder, Patrick Magrath explains how their new membership-based approach to pet healthcare will make a real difference for pet owners across the UK. As Animor starts to build a portfolio of purpose-built healthcare centres, we look at the opportunities the expansion drive presents to property owners.
On the back of advising on the Arcadia insolvency, GCW is helping Deloitte dispose of the group’s high street assets. The team’s targeted marketing campaign is tapping into local demand to secure the sale of 20 retail properties.
GCW has advised the owner of Boswell’s & Co Department Store on the sale of one of Oxford’s most prominent retail buildings. The deal will see the prime asset transformed into a 101-room hotel, maximising value for the client and the city.
GCW has helped client CBRE Global Investors secure a letting to JD Sports at Lion Walk Shopping Cent e, Colchester. The retailer has committed to a 10-year lease on the 9,500 sq ft store at an annual rent of £160,000 pa.
The UK’s drive-thru market is booming off the back of unprecedented demand. As operators compete for the best sites, seeking specialist property advice is more important than ever.
Crosstree Real Estate has submitted a planning application to Enfield Council for a major mixed-use redevelopment of Edmonton Green shopping centre.
GCW has promoted Archie Morriss, Holly Kiely and Rupert Rudkin to associate director.
Not long-ago government was criticised for identifying good days to bury bad news. Their announcement on Boxing Day about the Future High Streets Fund seems to have turned that mantra on its head.
The overwhelming theme of 2020 has been one of change. As we move into 2021 we have reflected on events and what this means for our marketplace going forward, identifying trends that are here to stay.
Majestic Wines has signed on for a 3,066 sq ft store, taking a 15-year lease with a break clause after 10 years. The wine company will pay an annual rent of £90,000.
GCW have advised UBS Asset Management on the acquisition of the Sainsbury’s in Hinckley for £45.2m reflecting 5%.
Phil Fishwick and Chris Harris have both successfully passed the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).
A recent example of investor appetite for supermarket assets during the pandemic is GCW’s sale for PWC of the Lytham St Annes Aldi.
The Marketfield Way Scheme will enhance Redhill’s night-time and leisure offer. The scheme comprises 150 one and two-bedroom residential units and 70,000 sq ft of commercial space, which will be anchored by a seven screen cinema.
Let us not mourn the demise of something without relevance
The New Norm or Back to Old Ways?
106 Hours of Continuous Exercise! Monday 27th April (8am) to Friday 1st May (6pm)
When restrictions are eased the landscape we return to will be different. The vacancies that were prevalent before the lockdown will remain, others will come via business failures and further consolidation that occurs through this period.
Change has been thrust upon us with no clear date for a return to normality. Will the new normal be the same as the old? How might we adapt, who will be the winners (and losers)?
We are thrilled to be a finalist for this year’s Property Awards, in the Retail & Leisure Agency category
The world of property never stands still. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’ve seen the role of town centres change beyond all recognition.
Crosstree Real Estate Partners has begun work on the refurbishment of Edmonton Green town centre, North London. GCW advised St Modwen on the sale of the 495,000 sq ft centre in 2018 and is now working with Crosstree to enhance the asset through a comprehensive investment programme.
A team of 14 GCW staff have raised more than £20,000 for the worthy cause Solving Kids’ Cancer. The group completed the gruelling 140-mile hilly Coast to Coast Cycle Challenge to support children and their families in the fight against rare childhood cancer, neuroblastoma.
Revo chief executive Ed Cooke is confident about the future of our town centres but insists their longevity depend on new ways of thinking, modern business models and greater cross-sector collaboration.
Keith Stone, director of KeyStone Retail Property, is one of the best-known names in development leasing. From a degree in town planning and cutting his teeth with local authorities, he went on to work on flagship projects, including Grand Central Birmingham, Touchwood in Solihull, Cabot Circus Bristol and Bluewater. He reflects on a rich and varied career.
GCW has advised Gylo on the acquisition of the Belvoir Centre in Coalville. The private property investment unit trust purchased the Leicestershire shopping centre from an institutional investor and has appointed a team of advisors to ensure the scheme is focused on the needs of the catchment.
Multi-generational living key to the future of our town centres
Furniture and household retailer, Dunelm has opened an anchor store at Yeovil’s Quedam Centre. GCW helped secure a 36,000 sq ft letting which marks a major vote of confidence in the town centre scheme.
GCW has been retained by DIY operator Leyland SDM to assist with its expansion programme.
GCW has advised UBS on the sale of a prominent mixed-use property on London's Bishopsgate to British Land for £37,205,000 reflecting a net initial yield of 4.79%.
Brighton's newest lane with the first retailers finishing fit outs of their units in time for the opening last month. Hanningtons Lane is part of Hanningtons Estate, which developer Redevco is transforming into an exciting destination blending retail, food and beverage, architecture, and street art.
Barons Quay shopping centre is set to capitalise on the boom in food markets with a letting to an established operator to deliver bars, street food and live music to the centre. The popular Marine Street Social operates in New Brighton, Liverpool and is looking to replicate the success with the opening of Barons Quay Social.
Henley-on-Thames will welcome a brand new multi-million pound retail, leisure and living destination, Gardiner Place in the heart of the town centre early next year.
GCW has used its expertise in transport retailing to complete a successful rent review for Chiltern Railways at Marylebone station.
Japanese restaurant operator Yo Sushi has joined GCW's portfolio of food and beverage clients. GCW is carrying out professional work for the new client and offering general strategy advice.
GCW has completed its latest piece of work for a local authority with the purchase of a hotel in Hemel Hempstead for South Bucks District Council.
Furniture and household retailer, Dunelm will open at Yeovil's Quedam Centre later this year.
Hempstead Valley shopping centre is set for an ambitious overhaul with a significant investment in the redevelopment and repurposing of the centre.
GCW has been appointed to advise on Wembley Central, the retail-led mixed use scheme in North London following a change of ownership last year.
GCW has been appointed by new client, the Jasper Group to advise on a development of four retail units on the High Street in Slough town centre. The landlord is converting the upper parts into residential and GCW will begin marketing the ground floor retail units in early 2019.
GCW has acquired all the commercial elements of a new housing development, Beaulieu Square on the outskirts of Chelmsford, for client Deekay Management.
GCW has expanded its role with long-standing retailer client JoJo Maman Bebe to run its entire estate asset management function for all lease events. The maternity and baby clothes retailer has over 80 shops across the UK and GCW will begin the arrangement with 20 imminent renewals. This allows a strategic approach to be adopted for all stores.
GCW has acquired a Starbucks unit on the A259 near Pevensey on behalf of the existing franchisee occupier, Euro Garages.
GCW is working closely with restaurant client KFC on its expansion drive and has secured six restaurant openings in 2018 including Kingston, Hounslow, West Norwood and Chessington. They covered a variety of offers from high street, small box and drive-to restaurants.
GCW's Alternative Sectors team has acquired its second healthcare site for Hamberley Development with the purchase of Honeysuckle House in Enfield. The 0.89 acre site consists of an existing, two storey, 21,847 sq ft care home with 35 beds. An application for a new care home will be submitted shortly.
GCW has secured a successful shopping centre sale for St Modwen in Edmonton Green.
Notcutts has appointed GCW to provide concession agency advice across its UK portfolio of 18 garden centres.
Archie Morriss has become the latest GCW graduate trainee to attain the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).
The Zocial, an innovative eat, drink and work concept is to open in Bradmore House at the entrance to Hammersmith Broadway shopping centre.
Resistance is increasing against Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVAs). The system is being abused to the detriment of both landlords and those retailers who stand by the contracts they signed. The legislation was originally based on a principle of fairness – where a solvent restructuring of troubled businesses would protect jobs and ensure an equitable repayment to all creditors. But in the retail property arena, the system is clearly broken.
Two new restaurants have opened in Maidstone's Fremlin Walk following the shopping centre's stated ambition to bring in more food and beverage operators. GCW agreed the deals on behalf of owner M&G Real Estate.
A bold vision is essential to capitalise on the changing purpose of town centres across the UK. GCW's directors explain how putting the needs of people at the heart of the places where they live and work will create stronger communities and drive successful living, shopping and leisure destinations.
GCW has agreed a 15-year lease with the popular childcare provider Poppies Day Nurseries for Sorbon Estates' newly-built £1 million Cliveden Nursery in Maidenhead.
Barons Quay retail scheme in Northwich has secured two key anchor tenants, H&M and Sports Direct.
Forward thinking by GCW's professional team has driven a positive result for the owner of the former Debenhams' store in Eltham.
GCW has used its expertise in the gym industry to advise energie Group's Fit4less brand in Elmfield Road, Bromley on a rent review.
GCW have been retained by premium fashion brand Karen Millen to provide strategic advice across its UK store portfolio including agency, lease renewals and rent reviews.
GCW has been appointed to sell the investment in Edmonton Green's entire town centre. Covering 26 acres the sale includes an Asda and 109 other shops, a sports centre, medical centre, hotel, a local market and 754 residential units.
GCW emerged as winners of the annual retail property charity event, the Elifar Challenge, just weeks before taking on a whole-firm charity day building a community allotment in West London.
GCW has promoted Simon Horner to Equity Partner. Simon leads its Alternative Sectors team, covering areas such as hotels, retirement living, gyms, children nurseries, student housing and drive thru restaurants.
A team of seven surveyors from GCW competed in the Elifar challenge helping to raise over £65,000. The funds have been put to good use by Elifar, making a real difference to the lives of young people and their families.
GCW has advised client LAP on its innovative approach to managing Brixton Markets for over 12 years
Market Halls, the newly launched food hall operator, is to open its first venture at Fulham Broadway. GCW has agreed the letting of the former ticket hall and entrance to the London Underground station to Market Halls on behalf of CBRE Global Investors.
GCW has purchased a foodstore in the affluent Surrey commuter town of Ashtead for BlackRock.
GCW has sold a prime retail investment for UBS Asset Management (UK) on Taunton's popular Fore Street for £4.895 million reflecting a net initial yield of 5.75%.
GCW's Alternative Sectors team has branched out into the car wash market with its appointment by the world's largest provider, IMO to acquire over 100 new sites across the South of England.
Three successful lettings by GCW in Northampton have enabled Topland to progress its asset management plans on a prime retail parade acquired in 2016.
GCW has been appointed as letting agents on Barons Quay shopping centre in Northwich, one of the five shopping centres to open in 2017.
GCW has added Lion Walk shopping centre in Colchester to its successful portfolio of 36 shopping centres where it acts as leasing and asset management advisors.
There has been significant structural change in the supermarket sector of the retail property market leading to revised store requirements of the major operators. Whilst there has not been the predicted substantial reduction in the size of food retailers' portfolios, there has been a greater focus on how these are utilised and the type of stores which will be opened in the future.
A team of nine surveyors from GCW raised a huge £17,500 for Elifar taking on the Three Peaks Challenge. The funds have been put to good use by Elifar, making a real difference to the lives of four young people and their families.
2017 saw the introduction of tax-free childcare for some families and a roll-out of increased entitlement for other working parents in England.
GCW has purchased a flagship landmark retail unit in Leeds for new investment client, St Brides Managers.
GCW's lease advisory team has begun work with two leading restaurant sector operators.
GCW continues its work for hotel developer Vastint with the purchase of a 0.7 acre site adjacent to the Moxy Hotel in Heathrow. The hotel site was GCW's first purchase for Vastint as it rolls out the Moxy chain of hotels across the UK.
Cinema operator, Empire has agreed terms to remodel and refurbish its cinema within Sutton's St Nicholas Shopping Centre.
GCW's Alternative Sectors team is advising on a new style of occupier for a former Primark store in central Sheffield.
leading health and beauty retailer, Superdrug to open new stores in non-traditional retailing locations such as transport hubs and hospitals.
Strong trading has helped the Stratford Centre to attract two new food and beverage operators as part of its on-going strategy to increase dwell time at the centre.
GCW has completed its latest purchase support project advising investor Kames Capital on a retail parade in Stevenage.
Fashion retailer H&M has opened in Bishop's Stortford's Jackson Square following extensive remodelling at the shopping centre.
GCW has bolstered its professional staff with two surveyors joining its high street and shopping centre teams.
GCW has agreed the sale of a prime city centre retail block in Swansea on behalf of UBS Asset Management's Triton Fund.
GCW has agreed a retail warehouse investment sale in Plymouth for CBRE GI to Custodian Capital, at £7.487 million showing a net initial yield of 6.73%.
GCW's Alternative Sectors team has acquired its first healthcare site for Hamberley Developments.
Hotel developer, Vastint has agreed the purchase of a site in Birmingham to build its latest Moxy hotel.
GCW has agreed terms with Waitrose to regear its lease at Epsom's Ashley Centre on behalf of owners CBRE GI.
Bargate Quarter, a brand new shopping scheme in Southampton, has won the go-ahead from planners and English Heritage.
Fashion retailer H&M will open a flagship store in King's Lynn's Vancouver Centre following agreement with the Council to regear the head lease on the centre.
GCW has secured the sale of two prime retail-led sites in Ealing town centre for long-standing client Benson Elliot.
Work is progressing well at Hanningtons Estate and we are excited to announce that we are just twelve months off completion. By the end of Summer 2018, Brighton will have a new Lane and new spaces for shops, restaurants and cafes.
For the second time in the past three years GCW emerged triumphant from the annual Elifar Challenge.
A team from GCW are taking on the Three Peaks Challenge for Elifar Foundation Limited, a fantastic charity which helps disabled children.
Alex Ash has become the fourth GCW graduate trainee in under a year to accomplish success in the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).
GCW has secured its role as letting agent on the Stratford Centre as the scheme has been sold by Catalyst Capital to Frogmore.
The long-anticipated extension to Langney shopping centre near Eastbourne has the go-ahead following agreement for a second anchor in the scheme.
Kames Capital has acquired a prime retail parade on Harrogate's Cambridge Street for £4.825 million showing a net initial yield of 5.19%.
GCW has completed its first letting at Grants Entertainment Centre in Croydon as the leisure venue begins work on improving the tenant mix.
Home furnishings retailer Hillarys is set to move from a catalogue, online and home sales business into a high street brand with the launch of a ‘home studio' store format.
Mobile phone retailer 3 becomes the latest retailer to open in Maidstone's Fremlin Walk, relocating from Week Street.
Redevco, the European retail real estate investment manager, has begun work on the redevelopment of the former Hanningtons department store in Brighton.
GCW has reached agreement with King's Lynn Council to regear the head lease on the Vancouver Quarter shopping centre.
GCW has set up a new team to focus on the requirements of specialist operators such as gyms, hotels, children's nurseries and care homes which are now vying for key, edge and out-of-town retail sites throughout the UK.
Furniture retailer Loaf has opened its second London store on Lancaster Road, Notting Hill.
Redevco, the European retail real estate investment manager, has begun work on the redevelopment of the former Hanningtons department store in Brighton.
Discount retailer, TJ Hughes has reopened in its original premises in Preston's Fishergate centre after an absence of five years.
Jackson Square shopping centre in Bishop's Stortford is set for a significant investment by owner Legal & General with a comprehensive refurbishment planned.
GCW has appointed Adam Cohen as a director specialising in lease consultancy with the High Street agency team.
GCW has used its market expertise and local knowledge to achieve a rental increase at rent review on a big store in Brighton.
Congratulations to all three of our graduate trainees who recently took the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and passed with flying colours.
GCW has been appointed to work with developer Sorbon on its vibrant new mixed-use quarter in Maidenhead, Chapel Arches.
GCW is working with leading health and beauty retailer, Superdrug to open new stores in non-traditional retailing locations such as transport hubs, universities and hospitals.
Energie property (UK), advised by GCW, has announced a new leasing structure and secured a site in Southwark for its Fit4less gym chain.
Topland has acquired a prime retail parade on the junction with Northampton's main pedestrian thoroughfare, Abington Street and Fish Street, opposite the Grosvenor Centre, for £7.48 million.
GCW has agreed deals on the latest new stores for home furnishings retailer Biggie Best in Sherborne, Dorset and Monmouth.
Maidenhead's Nicholson's centre plans revamp
Catalyst Capital has rejuvenated plans for a mixed-use development in central Henley-on-Thames, following its acquisition of The Regatta Portfolio.
The Stratford Island project, designed to further regenerate the centre of Stratford in East London, has won the go-ahead from planners.
Kames Capital has secured the investment purchase of two adjacent properties on Southend's prime retailing pitch.
GCW has secured River Island as a key fashion tenant for Fremlin Walk in Maidstone in the first stage of its work on the centre for owner M&G Real Estate.
GCW client The Cornish Bakery continues to deliver strong sales growth after its rebrand and name change from Pasty Presto.
GCW has completed the sale of The Langney Centre, Eastbourne's popular district shopping centre for over £19 million on behalf of Schroders Columbus Fund and London & Associated Properties.
GCW's has published an analysis of 2015's shopping centre openings with a no-holds barred view on their pros and cons.
GCW has successfully completed the latest of its high-profile work on retailer restructurings with wide-ranging consultancy, support and letting advice to the administrator of out-of-town shoe retailer Brantano.
Salisbury's Old George Mall is benefitting from a strong trading performance and the growing popularity of the town with retailers.
GCW's well-established reputation as the leading retail agent in Windsor has enabled it to complete a number of deals in the town.
Bolton's town centre transformation has taken another step forward with the opening of the dining and leisure venue, The Vaults within the Market Place shopping centre.
Three retailers have signed deals to open at Haywards Heath's The Orchards showing ongoing demand for the shopping centre.
Furniture retailer Dreams has retained GCW to secure high street opportunities in the Greater London area.
GCW has agreed four deals at Ipswich's Sailmakers shopping centre following the recent completion of a £4 million rebranding and refurbishment project.
GCW has delivered its second site for Vastint Hospitality, part of the Inter Ikea Group, who intend to develop a Moxy hotel, Marriott International's new lifestyle economy brand.
A focus on developing comprehensive and in-depth sales stories is enabling GCW to attract record levels of interest for its clients. Two recent investment sales in Royal Tunbridge Wells and Cambridge have attracted high levels of offers, creating competitive bidding and outstanding results.
GCW has secured a deal for CBRE Global Investors to buy a property on Guildford's North Street from Blackstone for £14.08 million.
GCW has sold the investment in the retail element of a mixed-use development in London's Queen's Park for Bouygues Development for £4.095 million reflecting a net initial yield of 4.5%.
Lidl has agreed its first formal arrangement with GCW with an instruction to search for sites in the London Borough of Ealing. Lidl's research shows there is potential for up to another eight stores in this one borough.
GCW is achieving significant rental growth at the Ashley Centre in Epsom, taking rents from £75 Zone A to close to its aim of £100 in the past year.
GCW has secured a £51.3 million portfolio of prime high street shops, in dominant retail centres with asset management opportunities for Varde Partners and its joint venture asset management partner APAM.
GCW's investment team has advised CBRE Global Investors on its successful purchase of the Magna portfolio for £37 million.
Palatium Investment Management has secured planning consent for the refurbishment and redevelopment of Lloyds Court in Milton Keynes
Stratford shopping centre smashes annual footfall figure of 25.3m
Iconic Italian shoe brand, Superga has retained GCW to help drive its expansion in the UK.
GCW has agreed deals to bring three leading retailers, Next, New Look and JD Sport, to Market Place shopping centre in Bolton. The deals show renewed confidence in the centre as Market Place is undergoing a £19 million refurbishment by owners Moorgarth.
GCW has agreed the sale of The Spires shopping centre in Barnet, North London for £40 million.
GCW director Simon Morris has contributed to a recent story in The Times on new powers which could allow local councils to relax Sunday trading laws.
Fremlin Walk in Maidstone is a recent addition to GCW's portfolio of shopping centre clients following the centre's purchase by M&G Real Estate from Legal & General Property.
GCW continues to help Fat Face to grow its portfolio with acquisitions in costal locations, market towns, major centres and regional shopping centres. Buoyant sales have also prompted the retailer to increase the size of existing stores.
GCW has helped luxury leather goods retailer, Pickett to make the most of the competitive London property market, surrendering the lease on its existing shop and acquiring a new flagship store.
GCW is supporting Reading Real Estate Foundation's innovative programme to widen access to the real estate profession.
GCW has been appointed by St John's Hospital, the charity owner of Bath's Old Bond Street, to develop an asset management strategy to ensure that this pivotal retail area is the location of choice for aspirational retailers in the city.
GCW has launched a formal mediation service to add to its well-established and successful dispute resolution service.
High-profile internet retailer, Loaf has appointed GCW to help its expansion onto the high street.
GCW's investment team is celebrating a high profile ranking amongst the UK's top investment agents.
GCW has teamed up with fast-food retailer KFC to help find suitable sites to trial a new up-market urban dining concept.
GCW has been appointed by leading UK perfume retailer The Fragrance Shop to help it expand further with a raft of new stores opening this year.
GCW has taken on the role of letting agent on the St Anns Shopping Centre in Harrow as it expands its partnership with Orchard Street Investment Management.
GCW has bought Chippenham Retail Park for a client of Aberdeen Asset Management from private development company Foinavon for £11.234 million.
Stratford shopping centre smashes annual footfall figure of 25.3m Catalyst Capital's Stratford shopping centre in East London on target to hit an annual footfall figure of 25.3 million. Since 2010, the centre has seen continual increases in footfall and the figure has now risen by 19.3 per cent over the last five years. The 330,000-sq ft centre, which is home to 60 stores, is now fully let after welcoming The Fragrance Shop, Warren James, Chopstix, Subway and The Works. International supermarket chain Lidl is due to open in the centre on 3 December and will take up a 9,265-sq ft two-level unit. And Catalyst Capital has plans for a mixed use residential development to be built on part of the site. Centre manager Andrew Norton said: “This is a fantastic end to a very successful year for the centre. We have welcomed some great new lettings in 2015 and we serve as the ideal convenient place for the community to do their shopping. We are really pleased that the footfall is improving each year and our target for 2016 is to even exceed the 2015 figure.â€
GCW has agreed a deal for CBRE Global Investors to purchase the Ashley Centre in Epsom, Surrey for £78 million on behalf of a German pension fund. The centre has been bought from the Carlyle Group at a net initial yield of 6.1%.
Stratford shopping centre smashes annual footfall figure of 25.3m Catalyst Capital's Stratford shopping centre in East London on target to hit an annual footfall figure of 25.3 million. Since 2010, the centre has seen continual increases in footfall and the figure has now risen by 19.3 per cent over the last five years. The 330,000-sq ft centre, which is home to 60 stores, is now fully let after welcoming The Fragrance Shop, Warren James, Chopstix, Subway and The Works. International supermarket chain Lidl is due to open in the centre on 3 December and will take up a 9,265-sq ft two-level unit. And Catalyst Capital has plans for a mixed use residential development to be built on part of the site. Centre manager Andrew Norton said: “This is a fantastic end to a very successful year for the centre. We have welcomed some great new lettings in 2015 and we serve as the ideal convenient place for the community to do their shopping. We are really pleased that the footfall is improving each year and our target for 2016 is to even exceed the 2015 figure.â€
GCW has advised long-standing client CBRE Global Investors on the purchase of two shopping centres, marking the fund manager's entry into the UK shopping centre investment market.
Upmarket bakery Konditor & Cook has secured two new central London cake stores for its growing operation.
GCW has advised George Capital on the acquisition of 6-10 Victoria Street, Nottingham, let to French Connection, for £1,800,000.
Moorgarth Group, the asset manager on behalf of the new owner of Bolton's Market Place, has gained consent from Bolton council for a nine-screen multiplex cinema.
Tower Ramparts Shopping Centre has signed River Island as a new tenant for 2013, and are expected to expand their client list into the new year.
Orchard Street Investment Management has appointed retail agency GCW as joint letting agent on The Cascades shopping centre in Portsmouth.